A new site to explore…

Hello there! I’m excited to reveal my new website this month and I thought it high time I got my blog up and running on my new site. I have had a Squarespace site for the last few years but have now upgraded to their newest template edition….. and I am loving it. So user-friendly and customisable! You might notice I now have a shop on my site and will hopefully find my whole website easier to navigate. It was a big job, but definitely worth it.

Head over to my Shop here to take a look at all my Australian Native Giclee Art Prints and while you’re there you might notice my newest product - FSC certified raw Oak, wooden magnetic Art Hangers. These are a great option if you like to be able to change up your wall art regularly without having to have everything professionally framed (though I do now offer professional traditional framing options with my products too). Just clip and lock your artwork in between the hangers, using the magnets and away you go - ready to hang:-) I’ve also got a couple of new Digital Illustration Resources up in my shop, featuring Australian Florals. Head here to view.

…… and of course, I’m still offering my Surface Pattern Design Services. Take a look at my new Services pages here for Custom Surface Pattern Design and here to collaborate or Licence.

…… Oh and I almost forgot. If you’d like 10% off your first order (applies to anything in my shop) sign up to my Newsletter here.

Take care.



It’s high time I said hello